Maxine Waters New INSANE Reason to Impeach Trump Proves She’s Running Out of Options

Low self awareness and low IQ sure is entertaining.

2 entertaining stories from TruthFeed

Maxine Waters is always looking for a reason to impeach President Trump.

From “mean” tweets, to telling NFL players to stop kneeling, Waters has absolutely no grasp of how our system works, which adds to the humor, until you realize that she’s getting PAID for this.

Now, Rep. Waters is calling on Trump to be impeached for withdrawing from the failed Iran Deal.

From Town Hall

I get being against Trump. You don’t like him. He’s dangerous. He’s sexist. He’s a racist. He’s not conservative. He’s not a Republican. There are plenty of reasons both sides don’t like this man, though he’s not any of those things. And yes, he’s not a conservative Republican. He’s a right-leaning populist that has an agenda that gives conservative Republicans most of what they want.

Yet, the resist fever that’s broken out among liberal Democrats is just popcorn-worthy. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has been the face of this resist at all cost wing among progressives, which has devolved into a total clown show. She said the president is a sad excuse of a man, who has no business being in the White House. Oh, and he poses a constitutional threat and have generated a related crisis because he’s a different kind of president, or something. Oh, and Trump colluded with the Russians, in her mind.

Waters has pledged to work day and night to get Trump impeached, even, apparently, in instances where such a charge wouldn’t apply. It’s not even grounded in reality. She thinks he should be impeached over our withdrawal from the Iran Deal.

“Trump, further isolating the United States, thinks he knows better than our negotiators and all of our global allies who agreed to the Iran deal.  How long do we have to suffer his gigantic ego and narcissistic behavior? Impeachment is the only answer,” she tweeted.

“Trump, further isolating the United States, thinks he knows better than our negotiators and all of our global allies who agreed to the Iran deal.  How long do we have to suffer his gigantic ego and narcissistic behavior? Impeachment is the only answer,” she tweeted.

Yeah, back in the real world, this decision was probably one of the best in Trump’s presidency. It also wasn’t legally binding and he was well within his authority to do so. Screaming at the clouds might be good for fundraising and being a California liberal; Waters can and does say insane things that will yield zero political consequences. Nevertheless, it’s beyond entertaining seeing how people who simply cannot accept the result of the 2016 election continue to throw tantrums. Meanwhile, Trump is on the verge of making history by helping bring to an end the Korean War and denuclearizing the peninsula, something that Hillary Clinton couldn’t have managed…unless they have her foundation a large donation (maybe).

Guy has a lengthy post about how this was a tremendous decision by the Trump White House.


.. and more:

Watch Maxine Waters Have a Complete MELTDOWN Over ‘Making America Great Again’

Maxine Waters, the hypocrite California Rep. who doesn’t even live in her own impoverished district, is now claiming that Republicans are “undermining” anti-discrimination policies.

This is exceptionally ironic coming from a woman who abandoned the people who voted for her, to live a lavish life in a $4 million dollar mansion, and who has done nothing to help minorities, while she’s used public service to create fame and wealth for herself.

On Friday, Waters had a meltdown on the House floor over President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.



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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!