New York Times Saves The Planet

Image: Ain’t nothing like the real thing, baby… when it comes to climate

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Video: Tony Heller
Another example of fully fictional journalism from the New York Times

Example of leftist “Science” used to defend the climate scam. Of course it is deeply dishonest and it does not touch real science. Ask yourself why that is? Do they lack real science? We all know the answer to that!:

Supplementary information -Computer-assisted classification of contrarian claims about climate change

Word Salad

A meaningless word salad (below) posted by a memeber of the Green” Rent & Grant Seeking Community of Activists and Criminals (UN Et. Al.) that does not compute with the reality we all can observe in the atmosphere and in the real world.

That word salad can not have been written by a serious scientist because it factually do not touch reality, it contradict itself and it ignore empirical observations in the real world. It looks like somebody just put together random text from different laboratories that has been looking at photons and found it reacts to energy. Amateurs and FRAUDS!!

However …

To describe the inner workings of molecules, “vibrational modes” lol (everything vibrates when excited, i.e. is heated), is just silly. CO2 does not vibrate in any different ways that is relevant for the transportation of energy in the lower part of the atmosphere than other molecules. That is deceptive in addition to be irrelvant. It’s like believing a train will move faster if you sit a certain way and shake your foot. “That shake is so special, I am sure it makes the train run faster!!!” kind of nonsense.

The activist write: “..

Within the atmosphere, molecules that have captured a fraction of the Earth’s infrared radiation exchange it with their neighbours during collisions. This results in some heating of this gaseous medium, which contributes to the temperature distribution. And the atmosphere radiates some of this energy to the land and to oceans (150 W/m2), which is the greenhouse effect.”

All measurable energy transportation below the cloud cover is done by convection, advection, wet and dry. What individual and magical leftist molecules does or don’t do in a hurricane is totally irrelevant!

Temperature potential

.. in the atmosphere is dictated by pressure, mass and gravity, the density of – and water vapor in the atmosphere only delays cooling, it does not produce any energy (warming) no matter what random molecules you are adding, or where it comes from does!

(Infrared) “Back Radiation“! is the main magic of the nonsense, but .. No matter what altitude the depleted and low energy (“heat”) is starting its way down from, to add energy (heat) to the earth’s already warmer surface, it has to overcome a gradually denser, warmer atmosphere as it descends, it has to overcome constant convection, water vapor and the fact that more CO2 only increases the resistance for the energy (heat) to radiate back down to reach the surface by dilution of energy through dispersion (CO2 emits infrared radiation in 1/31000 part of a second in all direction, which is the reason it is such an effective coolant), it’s basically a wall it can’t radiate through, making “Back Radiation” and the “Greenhouse Effect” theory a really bad joke.

The temperature difference from an altitude where Infrared radiation potentially starts to have an effect (from and above the cloud cover) is minimum 6,5 C. That means any Infrared radiation downwards is as impossible as if there were a solid concrete wall for the radiation to shine through!

The “Greenhouse Effect” doesn’t really exist (in the real world)!…

U.S. National Academies Find Greenhouse Effect Doesn’t Exist…

Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics

The (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming (now failed) hypothesis is built on the word salad below, according to the member of the Green” Rent & Grant Seeking Community of Activists and Criminals (UN Et. Al.)

That again has made the bases for all kinds of predictions, dire predictions for the future. Now, they did not start yesterday, they have been active for a few decades and have already ramped up a huge list of failed predictions .. It’s like they do not know what they are talking about, just kidding, it’s totally like they do not know what they are talking about!!

The Many, Many Doomsday Predictions the Climate Alarmists Got Completely and Spectacularly Wrong…

The (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming (now failed) hypothesis is built on the word salad below, according to the member of the Green” Rent & Grant Seeking Community of Activists and Criminals (UN Et. Al.)

That again has made the bases for all kinds of predictions, dire predictions for the future. Now, they did not start yesterday, they have been active for a few decades and have already ramped up a huge list of failed predictions .. It’s like they do not know what they are talking about, just kidding, it’s totally like they do not know what they are talking about!!

Here’s the silly word salad, spend time on it, it will make you laugh!!

(.. about Methane (from the word salad below). When Oxygen is used in your body it creates free radicals, when Oxygen comes into contact with iron, it makes iron rust and when Oxygen comes into contact with Methane it Oxidizes into water (H2O) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2). That is the reason there ‘s so little of it in the atmosphere (18 PPBV.)):

“What exactly is the greenhouse effect?

Radiation can be described as a flow of elementary particles, photons, each of which has a certain energy, proportional to the frequency of the radiation (see The thermal radiation of the black body). In the atmosphere, when a photon meets a molecule, it can capture its energy, but only under certain conditions.

The first is the presence of a permanent electrical dipole moment. What is it about? In any molecule we can distinguish the ensemble of positive electrical charges, the protons of its atoms, and the ensemble of negative electric charges, the electrons. Each of these two ensembles can be associated with a barycentre and, if the two barycentres do not coincide, the molecule has a non-zero electric dipolar moment.

On the other hand, when these two barycentres occupy the same position, as in the symmetrical diatomic molecules N2 and O2 which are the most frequent in the atmosphere, the electric dipolar moment is zero and these molecules cannot participate significantly in energy exchanges with photons.

Besides, more complex molecules, such as H2O, CO2 and CH4, have vibrational modes that allow them to absorb energy. In the case of H2O, in a stable position the two H-O bonds form an angle of 120°; they can absorb energy by flapping on either side of their average position, like butterfly wings. The CO2 molecule is linear and symmetrical, with two double bonds: O=C=O. It is then the positions of the O atoms that can oscillate in order to absorb energy, either by bending on either side of the average position, or by moving away from and approaching the C atom, symmetrically or not. Other species in the atmosphere, such as methane CH4, also have vibrational modes that allow them to absorb the energy of certain photons.

The second condition is related to the quantum character: the energy of the photon must be equal to the energy jump of the vibrational mode of the molecule. This implies that molecules can only pick up certain wavelengths. This is why some can absorb the Earth’s infrared radiation in bands of well-defined wavelengths, called absorption windows, separated by transparency bands (Figure).

Within the atmosphere, molecules that have captured a fraction of the Earth’s infrared radiation exchange it with their neighbours during collisions. This results in some heating of this gaseous medium, which contributes to the temperature distribution. And the atmosphere radiates some of this energy to the land and to oceans (150 W/m2), which is the greenhouse effect.

The respective contributions of the various molecules are very different. Note, for example, that, per unit mass, the contribution of water vapor is 6 times greater than that of carbon dioxide, and that that of methane is 21 times greater. Considering the respective contents of these gases in the atmosphere (0.1 to 5% for H2O, 0.035% for CO2 , about 10-6 for CH4) and their molar masses, it is clear that the most important contribution to the greenhouse effect comes from water (about 75%).

This focus was written by René MOREAU Emeritus Professor in Grenoble-INP, SIMaP Laboratory (Science and Engineering of Materials and Processes), member of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Technologies and BELORIZKY Elie, Former Professor at the Joseph Fourier University, LIPhy (Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Physics), UGA

Back in the real world ..:


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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!