Non-Censoring Social Media Platform Development

From the Go Fund Me Page

Dear Citizen,
Our Mission and Why:

As you all are aware, due to recent events that “Big Tech” Social Media platforms have caused, we have no other choice but to move away from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the other mainstream platforms. They have censored many wonderful groups, people, organizations, movements and most drastically, the sitting President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. This is a step towards a very dark future for all of us, unless we do something about it.

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Yeah, and finally, Beijing Joe didn’t win the election, President Trump did!



Newscats – on Patreon or Payoneer ID: 55968469

Cherry May Timbol – Independent Reporter
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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!