A warmer world would lead to more outgassing from the oceans, not only of CO2. Outgassing would lead to a larger atmosphere, and a larger atmosphere would be able to hold more moist

By R. J. L.

More water vapor in the atmosphere would cool the tropics, and more water vapor would reach further north and south making both the Arctic, Greenland and Antarctic warmer, with more precipitation resulting in more ice in Greenland and Antarctica and falling sea level.

As the temperature difference between the tropics and poles fell there would be less “extreme” weather events and fewer hurricanes because a lot of the bad weather in for example the US is driven by temperature differences between weather systems, cold Arctic air collides with warm, moist air from the Gulf.

Sea level can also fall as a bigger atmosphere can hold more water, depending of how warm it gets, of course.

Now to the point of this article.

Given what I have written above, there is no way huge parts of the world would become colder as the earth average temperature got warmer because of the moist, the water vapor. The extremes would be less extreme, cover less area, and last shorter time.

What we are seeing in the world today documents – there’s no Natural and even less Man Made Global Warming due to lack of moist. Sahara is dry, dry means high daytime temperatures, dry also mean cold night time temperatures. Sahara often see snow in the morning, Amazonas does not.

Counterintuitive, a colder world means more heat and cold spells!

The claims in the article in the first tweet below is FAKE!

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Cherry May Timbol – Independent Reporter
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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!