EU in shock as STAUNCH anti-immigration and Islamization candidate wins Czech presidential election

Czech President Miloš Zeman has won a second five-year term in office, following a tight run-off vote against his rival Jiri Drahos.

According to the Czech Statistics Office, Zeman received 51.8% of the votes and his rival 48.2%.

Zeman is a strong opponent of immigration and said earlier that refugees don’t integrate, because their culture is incompatible with European culture. About Islam he said:

“I think we can coexist with Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, Confucianism, but we cannot coexist with Islam. It has anchored in its sacred texts that it must rule the world and have unbelievers submit.”

In an interview earlier this month, he gave his opinion on the problems of a multicultural Europe:



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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!