EXCLUSIVE: Mexican Government Busing 30,000 Migrants Causes Shift in Human Smuggling Routes

PUBLISHED October 9, 2023

Government officials in Mexico announced the busing of more than 30,000 migrants who are ultimately trying to reach the U.S. border. The program is causing shifts in the routes that migrants take in southern Mexico.

Last month, the state of Oaxaca began setting up a series of impromptu bus stations known as Centros de Movilidad Migratoria (Migration Mobility Centers), where they provide basic necessities, short-term shelters, and the sale of low-priced or free bus tickets to Mexico City.

According to the regulations set forth by immigration authorities, the migrants who arrive at those shelters and get on the buses to Mexico City should remain in the southern part of the country. However, Breitbart Texas spoke with a high-ranking official with Mexico’s National Immigration Institute who revealed that the migrants are not staying in central or southern Mexico and are continuing their intended journey north.

The government official also claimed that the claims about the migrants being taken to Mexico City were not accurate since no centers had been outfitted to handle large numbers of migrants in the metropolitan area.

“This is very simple, last time when they sent thousands of Venezuelan migrants here to Mexico City, there was chaos in the shelters and the streets,” the Mexican immigration official said. “Currently, there are no special shelters, and the immigration stations in the city are not overcrowded. So where are these migrants that are supposed to be staying here?”


SOURCE: https://www.breitbart.com/border/2023/10/09/exclusive-mexican-government-busing-over-30000-migrants-causing-shift-in-routes/

RELATED: Ciudad Juárez isn’t afraid of Biden’s wall: ‘There’s more fear of being detained in Mexico and getting deported back to our country’

At the largest border crossing in the country, the memory of the recent deaths of 40 migrants — who were killed during a fire in a detention center — is more painful than the new security measures being implemented by the U.S. government

PUBLISHED October 9, 2023

Antonio, Wilmer and Rayder are barely 20-years-old. They’re biding their time, hanging out in a kind of trench. Leaning on a mound of earth, they have the border with the United States just a foot away from them. You can see the river and the American police officers protecting the fence. Since they left their small town in Venezuela more than two months ago, they’ve longed to cross over. But, for the moment, they prefer to wait. “Until those idiots from the Mexican immigration leave,” Antonio mutters, while he changes out of his old sneakers and puts on a pair of flip-flops. He thinks they’ll be better for crossing the water.

Just before the river, there are four vans from the Mexican immigration agency. The three friends have had bad experiences with officers from this agency while traveling across the country. “They robbed us several times. They’re more corrupt than in Venezuela!” All three young men acknowledge that they’re more afraid of the unarmed Mexican agents than of the military police who carry assault rifles on the American side of the border.

A similar feeling is shared by the more than 10,000 migrants waiting in Ciudad Juárez, the most populated center along the Mexican border. In addition to stories of abuse and violence during their extreme journey across the country, the migrants’ fear is also backed up by numbers. Mexico has accelerated deportations — which have grown by more than 20% in August alone — according to the latest available data.

In Ciudad Juárez, the trauma of one of the greatest recent migrant tragedies hasn’t yet been forgotten. At the end of March, 40 men died in a fire at a detention center for migrants. No one opened the door for them — and no one has been punished for what happened. “We have friends who are already there [in the United States] and they tell us that they’re being treated much better than here,” Wilmer notes, without losing sight of the Mexican officials’ vans.


SOURCE: https://english.elpais.com/international/2023-10-09/ciudad-juarez-isnt-afraid-of-bidens-wall-theres-more-fear-of-being-detained-in-mexico-and-getting-deported-back-to-our-country.html

RELATED: As Mexico cracks down on migrants, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador gains leverage with Washington

President of Mexico Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on November 20, 2022, in Mexico City.

PUBLISHED October 5, 2023

Last month, as the Biden administration scrambled to manage the latest wave of migrants overwhelming the US southern border, top US immigration authorities crossed into Mexico for an emergency meeting.

Seated around a Ciudad Juárez conference room, the officials and their Mexican counterparts drafted a 15-point plan to help defuse the flashpoint – most of it a checklist of actions for the Mexican government. Notably, according to a readout from Mexico’s federal immigration agency, Mexico agreed to carry out more costly deportations of the migrants gathering on their side of the border – a move that some believed would dissuade disorderly crossings.

The measures, which also specified Mexican efforts to clamp down on the crush of migrants riding north on railcars, are the latest in a series of policy shifts in Mexico that have alleviated, if slightly, the massive political headache in Washington caused perennially by migration. Analysts in both countries see a pragmatic bargain: as Mexico increasingly carries the weight of US immigration strategy, the Biden administration has granted rare leeway to the country’s divisive but popular leader.

“Mexico has real leverage in the relationship with the US. And right now that leverage is around migration,” said Andrew Selee, the president of the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute.


SOURCE: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/05/americas/mexico-us-amlo-immigration-intl-latam/index.html


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Cherry May Timbol – Independent Reporter
Contact Cherry at: cherrymtimbol@newscats.org or timbolcherrymay@gmail.com
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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!