Fani Willis — Accused of Hiring Lover — in 2020 Vowed to Not Date Subordinates

Fulton County deputy district attorney Fani Willis gestures as she makes her closing arguments during a trial for Martin Blackwell in Atlanta, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016. Blackwell is accused of pouring hot water on two gay men as they slept. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)
Published January 22, 2024

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in April 2020, when campaigning for her current position, vowed not to date subordinates — exactly what she is alleged of doing with a special prosecutor she hired on the Trump election-interference case.

A video clip of an interview she gave on April 7, 2020, first highlighted by the Washington Free Beacon on Friday, showed Willis saying she would not date subordinates. She said:

It is saddening to me, if young women felt like they came to work and they were one even judged for being a woman, but two, if suddenly they felt uncomfortable within the workplace, that will not be something that is allowed on my watch supervisors under my leadership that are not encouraging and building up my staff will not be supervisors long in my administration, and I certainly will not be choosing people to date that work under me.

She also alluded to extramarital affairs, saying that the community does not care about them, but that there “might be a moral breaking in that.”

She added that what citizens are “really really concerned about” is “inappropriate contact with employees,” calling it distracting and “inappropriate.” She also said it would be “unfortunate” for taxpayers to have to pay for lawsuits stemming from that inappropriate contact:

Let me just say that, you know, we are at a place in society where things happen and people’s relationships, husband and wife, sometimes they are outside relationships. I don’t think that that’s what the community is concerned about. Although there you know, there might be a moral breaking in that. I think that what citizens are really really concerned about is if you chose to have inappropriate contact with employees, I mean, there’s nothing that I can say on it, other than it is distracting. It is certainly inappropriate for the number one law enforcement officer in this state. And it just it really, really saddens me and it will be very unfortunate if the taxpayers of this community have to pay for any of those lawsuits.



RELATED: Trump case could go off rails as Fani Willis love triangle, corruption investigation heats up

Published January 21, 2024

ATLANTA, Ga — A messy love triangle between the high-powered district attorney in charge of the 2020 election-fraud case involving former President Donald Trump, the married lover she chose to be special prosecutor and his estranged wife is imploding in Fulton County.

Nobody on either side of the political aisle understands what Fulton County DA Fani Willis was thinking when she hired her reported boyfriend, a personal injury lawyer with zero high-profile felony trial experience, to be the lead special prosecutor in what is likely the biggest case of her career.

Nor do people understand why she’d blur her personal and professional life by jetting off for a $2,600 cruise and romantic trip to California’s Napa Valley with still legally married Wade while working on the sprawling and complex racketeering case against former President Donald Trump and his allies.

But Willis’ decision to hire Nathan Wade, 51, a sharp dresser who operates out of a basement office 20 miles north of Atlanta, and allegedly pay him thousands more than two much more qualified lawyers on her team, has backfired and threatens to derail her career — if not put the planned trial against Trump on state election interference charges in jeopardy.

Bank records released Friday in a new filing by Wade’s estranged wife’s lawyers in Cobb County were the first proof of Wade and Willis’ relationship, showing that he purchased tickets for San Francisco and Miami on his personal credit card in 2022 and 2023, after Wade had been named special prosecutor.

Shortly after, the Fulton County Board of Commissioner’s audit committee announced it was investigating Willis over potential “misuse” of taxpayer funds over her appointment of Wade.

Willis, 44, the daughter of Black Panther turned savvy criminal defense lawyer John C. Floyd III, has chosen to dig in her heels since a bombshell motion was filed Jan. 8 by one of the defendants in the Trump case, Michael Roman, alleging that she had an “improper” and “clandestine” affair with Wade and asking that the charges against him be dropped.



RELATED: Fani Willis ally pushes for election interference case prosecutor to step aside

Published January 20, 2024

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’s (D) ally, who served as special counsel in the first impeachment of former President Trump, said that it would be a “wise thing” for prosecutor Nathan Wade to step aside in the Georgia election interference case considering the allegations that Willis hired him while they had a romantic affair.

Norm Eisen, who was the House of Representatives special counsel during Trump’s impeachment, said that the Georgia law does not require Wade to remove himself from the case, but that it would be a good thing to consider.

“My view is that the law does not require Mr. Wade to step down, but I think it would be the wise thing for him to voluntarily consider doing so,” Eisen said during an interview with The Hill on Saturday. “The advice that I would give Mr. Wade, if he asked me would be that this is a good time to step away from the case.”

Wade is an Atlanta-area attorney whom Willis hired as a special prosecutor to lead the case.

The former special counsel’s remarks represent the first instance that a Willis ally acknowledged the severity of the damages the allegations added to her and the ongoing case. Eisen also added that the facts of the relationship between the two “are not fully known, so we need to see how that develops.”

Eisen said that the case against Trump and his co-conspirators is “strong” and that the evidence is “powerful,” but that the parties involved should not waste time since the growing controversy could slow down the case.





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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!