Fears are rising of a widened Middle East war and US troops are in the firing line

Published December 27, 2023

Escalating attacks on US troops and commercial shipping and incidents often involving Iran and its proxies are causing new concerns that Israel’s war in Gaza could widen into a regional conflagration with grave political and economic consequences.

With American service personnel increasingly in a dangerous firing line and with US and allied naval assets on high alert after multiple drone attacks, the deteriorating situation is leading to a tense holiday period for the White House.

The rising possibility of US combat deaths and the worsening security situation from the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea and stretching through Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Israel represents an unwelcome new foreign crisis as President Joe Biden’s reelection year dawns.

And it is becoming a petri dish for a new geopolitical trend — endless tests of America’s will and credibility by its adversaries and their proxies. Warnings by Israel that its war against Hamas in Gaza will last for months, despite US pressure for a ratcheting down of the intensity of the conflict, threaten to heighten the chances war could spin out of control and drag the US further in.


SOURCE: www.cnn.com

RELATED: Joe Biden poured the gasoline, now our enemies are burning the Middle East

Joe Biden speaks to reporters before departing the White House for Camp David last Saturday.
Published December 26, 2023

The Middle East is aflame and looks to remain that way now for some time, if not get worse. This is the world President Biden has produced.

Most worrisome: Iran is on the cusp of nuclear breakout.

Our feckless prez expended huge amounts of time and energy early in his term trying to resurrect his former boss Barack Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal.

When that failed, he switched to appeasement, including hefty ransom for hostages.

The result: Iran’s ramping up production of enriched uranium to near-weapons grade, returning to the alarming levels seen before a brief slowdown this year.

The mad mullahs are now thisclose to having enough stockpiled to assemble at least a few nukes.

Biden’s fecklessness also played a role, at least indirectly, in the Oct. 7 Hamas atrocities by empowering Iran, which was a key player behind the attacks.


SOURCE: www.nypost.com

RELATED: Fears are rising of a widened Middle East war and US troops are in the firing line

A woman reacts while holding a pillow as she stands amid debris outside the site of the Ahli Arab Hospital in central Gaza on Oct. 18, 2023, in the aftermath of an overnight strike there.
Published December 27, 2023

An American vision for the Middle East is emerging as the Biden administration presses Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s war Cabinet to scale back its 10-week-old campaign to root out Hamas in Gaza amid mounting civilian casualties.

President Joe Biden this week issued his harshest public rebuke of Netanyahu’s government. Speaking to Democratic Party donors, he said Israel risks losing international support because of its “indiscriminate bombing” and that Netanyahu’s government must rid itself of its most extreme elements.

While the U.S. and Israel disagree on how Netanyahu’s war Cabinet should pursue its military objectives and who will oversee postwar Gaza, Biden seems to be setting his gaze beyond the conflict’s horizon.


SOURCE: www.voanews.com



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Cherry May Timbol – Independent Reporter
Contact Cherry at: cherrymtimbol@newscats.org or timbolcherrymay@gmail.com
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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!