POOP EPIDEMIC: San Francisco Feces Complaints Skyrocket Despite Spending Millions on Public Bathrooms

Published April 3, 2024

The issue of feces covering San Francisco’s streets is worsening despite the city spending millions of dollars on public bathrooms.

According to a report from The San Francisco Chronicle, complaints of poop in the city’s streets are on the rise, a trend it complains is creating “fodder” for the city’s conservative critics:

During the pandemic, feces-related calls fell as people stayed home, and the city moved unhoused people indoors. But a Chronicle data analysis found that the number of feces-related calls has crept up past pre-pandemic levels. The calls are about 17% higher than in 2020 and about 7% higher than in 2019. The data, pulled from 311 reports, doesn’t differentiate between human and animal feces, and only reflects reports of feces or requests for street cleaning of feces.

The increase comes despite San Francisco investing in public toilets, doing more frequent street cleanings and getting more homeless people off the street.

The vast majority of San Francisco’s more than 280 public restrooms are in parks, community centers, libraries, fire stations and other city buildings. There are also stand-alone staffed toilets run by two different city departments and stand-alone unstaffed toilets run by a private company in partnership with the city.

Last November, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis highlighted the severity of the problem by holding up a “poop map” during his debate with California Governor Gavin Newsom.

“This is a map of San Francisco,” DeSantis said at the time, holding up a map of the city with brown markings across it. “There’s a lot of plots on that. You may be asking: ‘What is that plotting?’ Well, this is an app where they plot the human faeces that are found on the streets of San Francisco.

“And you see how almost the whole thing is covered? Because this is what has happened in one of the previous greatest cities this country has ever had.”


SOURCE: www.thegatewaypundit.com

RELATED: San Francisco Can’t Seem To Shake Its Poop Problem Despite Spending Millions On Public Toilets



Published April 4, 2024

Despite spending millions of dollars on public restrooms, San Francisco is still seeing tens of thousands of incidents involving poop on the street, according to a local outlet.

San Francisco saw over 32,000 calls involving feces on the streets in 2023, despite the city’s Public Works Department and its Recreation and Park Department maintaining 46 stand-alone public toilets at an average cost of $100,000 per location, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. The city had a total of 22 such sites in 2018, when there were under 26,000 calls.

“It unfortunately never leaves my mind,” bartender Adam Kedzorski told the Chronicle, relating an instance where he had to discard a pair of shoes after his son stepped in poop on the sidewalk.

The continued reports of feces on public streets coincide with a continuing homelessness crisis that has increasingly plagued the city. In 2023, the total homeless population was 7,754, up from 6,858 in 2017, according to statistics released by the city.


SOURCE: www.dailycaller.com

RELATED: S.F. feces complaints rise again despite city spending millions on public toilets


Published April 3, 2024

Adam Kedzorski is tired of stepping in it.

Eyes glued to the ground as he walks out of his apartment building on the edge of the Tenderloin, Kedzorski dodges landmines in the form of human and animal feces almost daily.

He has also washed it off the sidewalk in front of the Sutter Street bar, Ace’s, where he bartends. When his son stepped in it, he said, “the shoes went right in the trash.” And he has stepped in it himself more times than he would care to count.

“It’s the first thought on my mind to watch where I’m stepping on that first step out the door,” Kedzorski said. “It unfortunately never leaves my mind.”

Kedzorski’s predicament isn’t unique in San Francisco. For years, the city has struggled to keep human and animal feces off its sidewalks. It has been a nuisance for residents and visitors, who are often startled by the sight of open defecation and smeared feces on sidewalks. The problem became so visible that one resident created a “poop map” of San Francisco, fodder for Fox News and other critics of the city.

During the pandemic, feces-related calls fell as people stayed home, and the city moved unhoused people indoors. But a Chronicle data analysis found that the number of feces-related calls has crept up past pre-pandemic levels.


SOURCE: www.sfchronicle.com


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Cherry May Timbol – Independent Reporter
Contact Cherry at: cherrymtimbol@newscats.org or timbolcherrymay@gmail.com
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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!