Pope’s document: Biden will continue to fight for rights, safety of LGBTQ+ community – White House

Published April 9,  2024

The White House has affirmed President Joe Biden’s support for the transgender community.

The development comes after Pope Francis’s declaration condemning gender theory on Monday.

Fox News reports that White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre faced questions about Pope Francis’s declaration, which condemned gender theory.

The Pope’s Monday document formally reaffirms and expands on the Catholic Church’s assertion that attempts to alter an individual’s immutable gender are ultimately misguided attempts to play God.

However, Jean-Pierre declined to say what Biden thought of the document specifically, but added that he does support the transgender community.

“We are pleased to see that the document… furthered the Vatican’s call to ensure that LGBTQ+ are protected from violence and imprisonment around the world.

“However, the president will continue to be an advocate for the rights, safety and dignity of the LGBTQ+ community, including transgender people here in the U.S.,” Jean-Pierre said.

“What about the more specific comments about gender theory and transgender individuals?” a reporter pressed.

“I’m going to be really careful. The president’s role to litigate internal Church policy, that’s not his role, so I’m gonna be super careful there,” Jean-Pierre said.

“But I can speak to the president’s stance, and he’s always been very clear on the importance of protecting or having protections for the transgender community and the broader LGBTQ+ community, and that’s been very clear since day one of his administration.”


SOURCE: www.dailypost.ng

RELATED: ‘Cafeteria Catholic’ Biden Reacts to Pope Francis’ New Declaration ‘Dignitas Infinita’ – Stands With Trans Indoctrination Over the Church’s Dogma and Doctrine

Published April 8,  2024

Pope Francis did something not very usual, and issued a declaration yesterday (7), called ‘Dignitas Infinita’, in which he strongly defended the Catholic Church’s dogma and doctrine without trying to ‘improve’ or ‘modernize’ it.

Christians around the world celebrated it, but not – of course – fake Catholic Joe Biden.

The US president, called a ‘cafeteria Catholic’, who picks and chooses which parts of the teaching he respects, had to side with the trans indoctrination over the pontiff – as one would expect.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was questioned about Pope Francis’ declaration condemning gender theory on Monday, and affirmed President Biden’s support for ‘the transgender community’.

Fox News reported:

“A reporter pressed Jean-Pierre regarding the Pope’s Monday document, which formally reaffirms and expands on the Catholic Church’s assertion that attempts to alter an individual’s immutable gender are ultimately misguided attempts to play God. Jean-Pierre declined to say what Biden thought of the document specifically, but added that he does support the transgender community.

‘We are pleased to see that the document… furthered the Vatican’s call to ensure that LGBTQ+ are protected from violence and imprisonment around the world. However, the president will continue to be an advocate for the rights, safety and dignity of the LGBTQ+ community, including transgender people here in the U.S.’, Jean-Pierre said in response to a reporter who asked for a response to the document.”

Reporters wanted to know about the more specific comments about gender theory and transgender individuals, making KJP to try and walk a tightrope.

“‘I’m going to be really careful. The president’s role to litigate internal Church policy, that’s not his role, so I’m gonna be super careful there’, Jean-Pierre said. ‘But I can speak to the president’s stance, and he’s always been very clear on the importance of protecting or having protections for the transgender community and the broader LGBTQ+ community, and that’s been very clear since day one of his administration’.”

‘Dignitas Infinita’, dealt with a dozen contemporary issues through the lens of scripture and church teaching.

Those included abortion, human trafficking, poverty, euthanasia and the death penalty, among others.


SOURCE: www.thegatewaypundit.com

RELATED: White House responds after Pope Francis condemns ‘gender theory,’ affirms Biden’s support for trans community

Pope Francis denounced attempts to deny sexual differences between men and women

Published April 8,  2024

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre faced questions about Pope Francis’ declaration condemning gender theory on Monday, ultimately affirming President Biden’s support for the transgender community.

A reporter pressed Jean-Pierre regarding the Pope’s Monday document, which formally reaffirms and expands on the Catholic Church’s assertion that attempts to alter an individual’s immutable gender are ultimately misguided attempts to play God. Jean-Pierre declined to say what Biden thought of the document specifically, but added that he does support the transgender community.

“We are pleased to see that the document… furthered the Vatican’s call to ensure that LGBTQ+ are protected from violence and imprisonment around the world. However, the president will continue to be an advocate for the rights, safety and dignity of the LGBTQ+ community, including transgender people here in the U.S.,” Jean-Pierre said in response to a reporter who asked for a response to the document.

“What about the more specific comments about gender theory and transgender individuals?” a reporter pressed.

“I’m going to be really careful. The president’s role to litigate internal Church policy, that’s not his role, so I’m gonna be super careful there,” Jean-Pierre said. “But I can speak to the president’s stance, and he’s always been very clear on the importance of protecting or having protections for the transgender community and the broader LGBTQ+ community, and that’s been very clear since day one of his administration.”

Francis’ Monday declaration, called “Dignitas Infinita,” addressed over a dozen individual issues of the modern day through the lens of scripture and church teaching, including abortion, human trafficking, poverty, euthanasia, the death penalty and more.

Latin for “Infinite Dignity,” the document was released after more than five years in development by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) and focuses on threats to human dignity in the modern world.


SOURCE: www.foxnews.com



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Cherry May Timbol – Independent Reporter
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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!