National Heatwave Propaganda

February 1, 2024 Larsen 0

Image: Delhi’s Coldest Month Of January In 21 Years; UK Climate Chiefs Admit Net Zero Nonsense; + The Climate Scam And War Related: Cyprus Is White; Alaska’s “Pandemic Of […]

Carbon Shell Game

April 11, 2023 Larsen 0

Image: Russia’s Weekly Crude Oil Exports Plunge Related: Guardian: Gas is Dragging Up the Cost of Renewables French Alps Avalanche Kills Six On Easter Sunday Video: Tony Heller If […]

The War On Information

December 27, 2022 Larsen 0

Image: A few amazing pictures from the Polar blast bomb cyclone that engulfed the U.S. and Canada in the last few days… Related: What Could Go Wrong? Startup Releases […]

A Consensus Of One

November 3, 2022 Larsen 0

Image: No Scientific Consensus On A Warming Arctic And Extreme Weather Related: The Democrat War on Fossil Fuels Video: Tony Heller “Historically, the claim of consensus has been the […]

Biden escalates his war on oil and gas

November 13, 2021 Larsen 0

Image: Utility warns customers of looming blackouts under Biden energy policy Related: ‘Our World Under Threat’ – Latest BBC Fake News By Duggan Flanakin – CFact Headline: “Senate Democrats […]

The Worst Virus

August 24, 2020 Larsen 0

Image: The Left-Wing War On America’s Suburbs Related: Forbes: “Blackouts Expose Perils And Costs Of California’s ‘Electrify Everything’ Push” Video: Tony Heller “So much of left wing thought is […]

Civil War II

August 21, 2018 Larsen 0

Image: Soldier Song: A True Story Of The Civil War By Burt Prelutsky ~ It’s becoming increasingly difficult to envision a future that doesn’t include war breaking out between conservatives and […]