WOW! Benghazi War Hero DESTROYS ‘Special Kind of Stupid’ Eminem

Unlike his sycophant liberal fans, Benghazi war hero Kris Paronto was NOT impressed with Eminem’s “BET Awards” rant.

In a viral post, he posted THIS epic response on Instagram calling Eminem a “special kind of stupid” and much much more…

Saw some posts this morning about the candy rapper m&m rapping his opinion … we’ll it swayed me to disrespect the flag ?? and follow the opinion of the ex 49’er QB and kneel during the pledge of allegiance disrespecting all who served ……….wait, no it didn’t ??. If I want advice on how to commit domestic abuse, live in excess, disrespect the masses as well as lessons on ungratefulness I’ll listen to m&m and the NFL players. Until then I’ll wear my shirt with pride throughout my travels and continue to stand for the flag and pledge of allegiance for this great nation . I’ll be damned if I let anyone including adolescent athletes and pop culture crybabies turn this symbol ?? of freedom and courage ,who many of my teammates, families and friends sacrificed for , into a symbol of oppression and bigotry. The only bigots & racists I have seen throughout this are from the “kneelers” and their supporters. For hells sake I even saw a post stating that those that support the ?? are the ones who burn crosses ??‍♂️… really??!! You have to be a special kind of stupid for that view, guess my Latino cross burning crew will need to get our torches ready for tonight??. Like me or not for saying this , I could give a shit, unfollow me , I won’t lose a wink of sleep . I’ll continue standing for this great country , for freedom, for honor, for courage, and sacrifice and the symbol ?? this represents. So I’m crossing your line in the sand killer @eminem ??… #sorrynotsorry #zerofucksgiven #bringiton #tantodontgiveashit #istandfortheflag #istandfortheanthem #notonmywatch #dtom #backtheblue #bluelivesmatter #buhbye #godblessamerica #godblessourtroops #rltw #suasponte #tanto #therangerway #ranger #battboy #75thrangerregiment @americanmilitarynews @maximdefense @espnnfl @alienarmorgear @88tactical @american_trigger_pullers @standupfortheflag

A post shared by Kris Paronto (@kris_paronto_tanto) on

The full text:

Saw some posts this morning about the candy rapper m&m rapping his opinion … we’ll it swayed me to disrespect the flag and follow the opinion of the ex 49’er QB and kneel during the pledge of allegiance disrespecting all who served ……….wait, no it didn’t .

If I want advice on how to commit domestic abuse, live in excess, disrespect the masses as well as lessons on ungratefulness I’ll listen to m&m and the NFL players. Until then I’ll wear my shirt with pride throughout my travels and continue to stand for the flag and pledge of allegiance for this great nation.

I’ll be damned if I let anyone including adolescent athletes and pop culture crybabies turn this symbol of freedom and courage ,who many of my teammates, families and friends sacrificed for , into a symbol of oppression and bigotry.

The only bigots & racists I have seen throughout this are from the “kneelers” and their supporters. For hells sake I even saw a post stating that those that support the are the ones who burn crosses ‍♂… really??!!

You have to be a special kind of stupid for that view, guess my Latino cross burning crew will need to get our torches ready for tonight.

Like me or not for saying this , I could give a shit, unfollow me , I won’t lose a wink of sleep.

I’ll continue standing for this great country , for freedom, for honor, for courage, and sacrifice and the symbol this represents.

So I’m crossing your line in the sand killer @eminem …



Eminem is a Complete Idiot

Isn’t it an amazing coincidence how rappers all loved Trump, but then he suddenly became a racist when he took on the establishment?


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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!