CHINA IS TRESPASSING’ Atin Ito: China’s threats to jail WPS trespassers a desperate move

A civilian convoy of a hundred Filipino fishermen sail from Zambales to the West Philippine Sea in a show of force amid Chinese aggression in Scarborough Shoal on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. JOSEPH MORONG/GMA Integrated News
Published May 18, 2024

A civilian group which recently went to Scarborough Shoal in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) denounced on Saturday China’s threat to detain foreigners trespassing in the South China Sea.

“China’s threats on so-called trespassers in the West Philippine Sea are a clear indication of their desperation,” Akbayan president and Atin Ito Coalition co-convenor Rafaela David said in a statement.

“It is China which is trespassing in our seas. These threats are not only a violation of international law but also an admission by China that our peaceful, civilian-led initiatives are effective and winning the hearts and minds of many in the global community,” she added.

China has issued a regulation empowering its coast guard to detain foreigners trespassing in the South China Sea following the Philippine civilian mission led by Atin Ito Coalition to the WPS that ended on Friday.

The China Coast Guard (CCG) can detain trespassers without trial, the South China Morning Post reported on Thursday, citing a regulatory document of Beijing set to take effect in June.

“Foreigners suspected of illegally passing China’s borders can be held for up to 60 days,” according to the media report.

GMA News Online has sought comment from the Chinese Embassy in Manila about the regulation but it has yet to respond as of posting time.



RELATED: China’s new trespassing rule is illegal, illegitimate — experts

A frame grab from video footage released by the Philippine Coast Guard shows its ship, the BRP Bagacay, being hit by water cannon from Chinese coast guard vessels near the Chinese-controlled Scarborough Shoal in the West Philippine Sea. Also hit on its way to the shoal was the BRP Bankaw of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. —AFP
Published May 18, 2024

SUBIC, Zambales — China’s new policy allowing its coast guard to detain foreigners deemed “illegally crossing” its borders – including those in the Philippine exclusive economic zone (EEZ) – is illegitimate and illegal under international law, experts said on Friday.

A South China Morning Post report said this new rule, which was announced on Thursday, “coincides with the arrival at Scarborough (Panatag) Shoal of a group of civilians and fishermen from the Philippines.”

This new policy, which outright disregards Manila’s sovereign rights in the West Philippine Sea, will take effect on June 15.

‘No ounce of legitimacy’

An international studies expert slammed this policy, saying it is indicative of China’s “expansionist ambitions.”

“This new regulation has no ounce of legitimacy to it and merely emphasizes China’s expansionist ambitions,” said Don McLain Gill, lecturer at the De La Salle University’s Department of International Studies, in a message to



RELATED: China Plans To Float Nuclear Reactors In Disputed South China Sea, Analysts See It ‘Risky For Environment’

The US military warned that China is moving forward with developing floating nuclear reactors in the South China Sea to hold up its claim to the disputed maritime territory, on which, the analysts stressed that the development would pose risks to the environment, reported Voice of America (VOA). However, Beijing had suspended the project a year ago over safety and effectiveness concerns.
Published May 17, 2024

WASHINGTON DC: The US military warned that China is moving forward with developing floating nuclear reactors in the South China Sea to hold up its claim to the disputed maritime territory, a development, which analysts have stressed would pose risks to the environment, reported Voice of America (VOA).

According to analysts, the plan to build ships with mobile nuclear power sources would raise tensions with its neighbours and pose risks to the environment.

Chinese media reports described the marine nuclear power platforms as small plants inside ships that would act as mobile “power banks” at sea for stationary facilities and other ships, VOA reported.

According to analysts, the plan to build ships with mobile nuclear power sources would raise tensions with its neighbours and pose risks to the environment.

Chinese media reports described the marine nuclear power platforms as small plants inside ships that would act as mobile “power banks” at sea for stationary facilities and other ships, VOA reported.




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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!