‘Lacking Cognitive Ability’: Gen Z Voters’ Concern over Biden’s Mental Fitness Grows

Published December 24, 2023

The concern Gen Z voters have about President Joe Biden’s mental fitness and so-called “retiree” lifestyle is growing as his approval rating plummets to an all-time low, polling and voter interviews show.

The latest Monmouth University poll revealed that 61 percent of respondents across all age groups disapproved of Biden’s job performance.

His 34 percent approval rating is down from 44 percent in July, making it the lowest of his presidency.


Gen Z voters joined Fox & Friends First on Wednesday, and one first-generation Nigerian-American university student predicted that young people do not want a president who seems “retired.”

“I don’t mean to rag on the president of the United States, but honestly, he’s acting like a retiree,” Kale Ogunbor, a Republican, said. “It’s been reported that over 40 percent of Joe Biden’s presidency has been spent on vacation. And I think a lot of Americans, including Gen Z, don’t want a president who seems more like he’s retired the next four years after 2024.”

Meanwhile, a recent Axios report revealed that Biden’s “reluctance to acknowledge his physical limitations at age 81 is causing some tension on his team, as senior aides and First Lady Jill Biden push him to rest more and be vigilant about his health going into 2024.”

An October poll from Monmouth also found that 76 percent of voters believe that Biden is too old to effectively serve a second term, compared to only 48 percent who believe the same of former President Donald Trump.

“Age has definitely been a problem for Biden his whole presidency,” said Ryan Edwards, another Gen Z voter, before going on to explain that the Democrat leader is unable to make “complex decisions”:

I just think that he is lacking the cognitive ability to lead the country … I feel that over the last four years, we have seen a constant decline in his true ability in leading America, and … I think in order to lead the free world, to lead America, you must make hard and complex decisions in the blink of an eye, and I don’t think we have that with Biden.


SOURCE: www.breitbart.com

RELATED: Gen Z voters concerned with Biden’s ‘retiree’ lifestyle, question his cognitive abilities

President’s approval hit all-time low in national poll released this week

Published December 23, 2023

Gen Z voters are growing increasingly concerned about President Biden’s mental fitness and “retiree” lifestyle as his approval rating slips to an all-time low in a national poll ahead of the 2024 election.

“I don’t mean to rag on the president of the United States, but honestly, he’s acting like a retiree,” Kale Ogunbor, a Republican Gen Z voter, told “Fox & Friends First” Wednesday. “It’s been reported that over 40% of Joe Biden’s presidency has been spent on vacation. And I think a lot of Americans, including Gen Z, don’t want a president who seems more like he’s retired the next four years after 2024.”

The president stands at 34% approval in a Monmouth University poll released Monday, with 61% giving Biden a thumbs down on his job performance.

The number is at an all-time low in Monmouth polling since Biden took over the White House nearly three years ago, with voters particularly concerned about his handling of inflation and immigration.

Meanwhile, according to an Axios report, Biden has allegedly refused to acknowledge his age. His “reluctance” has caused “tension” in the West Wing as the first lady and senior aides have reportedly encouraged him to “rest more” ahead of a busy campaign season.

According to another Monmouth University poll, 76% of voters think Biden is too old to effectively serve another term, compared to only 48% who believe the same of Trump.


SOURCE: www.foxnews.com

RELATED: Former White House doctor, GOP Rep. Ronny Jackson, says Biden is ‘not capable of doing this job anymore’ and floats tricking 81-year-old president into thinking he’s already serving his second term

Published December 21, 2023
  • Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson said Monday that President Joe Biden is ‘not capable of doing this job anymore’
  • Jackson served as Physician to the President for Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump before running for Congress in Texas as a Republican
  • On Fox & Friends, Jackson said Biden has ‘degenerated quite a bit over the last three years’ and pushed that the 81-year-old should only serve one term

Former White House doctor, Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, said Monday that President Joe Biden is ‘not capable of doing this job anymore’ and floated tricking the 81-year-old into thinking he was already serving a second term.

Jackson, who was the Physician to the President for Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump and joined the White House Medical Unit under George W. Bush, appeared on Fox & Friends Monday morning as Biden marked his 81st birthday.

The doctor-turned-congressman, who’s a political ally of Trump’s, recalled to Fox’s Steve Doocy that he didn’t think Biden ‘had the cognitive ability to do the job’ back when he was running against Trump in 2020.

‘I went back and I looked at some video from him – when he was running for president last time and compared it to video from now and he has degenerated quite a bit over the last three years,’ Jackson said. ‘It’s just incredible to see the difference.’

Biden has suffered a series of falls and gaffes since taking over from Trump in January 2021, but announced in April he planned to go ahead with a reelection bid.

At the same time Trump, 77, has made a number of his own mistakes in recent months, including mixing up President George W. Bush and his brother Jeb, and misidentifying the Iowa town he was campaigning in.

But Jackson – who endorsed Trump’s 2024 bid days after he announced last year – argued it was Biden who was missing a step.

‘And I think now Democrats are starting to get to the point where they can’t deny it. I mean, the mainstream media has been talking about it for the last six months or so. But we can’t – we can’t endure this anymore,’ the Texas congressman said of Biden’s tenure.

‘He’s got these people that surround him that are inappropriately encouraging him to continue to run because it builds up, you know, who they are and what they do,’ Jackson continued.

‘But, you know, our border, our wars overseas, our economy, it’s a disaster right now and he just can’t do the job. And it’s just on display every day that he’s not capable of doing this job anymore,’ the former White House physician added.

Doocy mused whether Biden’s family should encourage him not to run for a second term.

‘Shouldn’t his family say, Joe maybe it’s time to go?’ the Fox & Friends anchor said.


SOURCE: www.dailymail.co.uk


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Cherry May Timbol – Independent Reporter
Contact Cherry at: cherrymtimbol@newscats.org or timbolcherrymay@gmail.com
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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!