Study: The Ozone Layer Is Repairing Itself, Affecting Wind Flow

By Sam McGriskin, The Post Millenial via Principia Scientific International

While most people’s focus remains directed at the coronavirus pandemic, some good news has emerged: a hole in our ozone layer is now in recovery.

The hole—located above Antarctica—is continuing to recover and bringing changes in atmospheric circulation as a result, according to New Scientist.

Many dangerous changes are being brought to a halt in the atmosphere of the Southern Hemisphere due to the ongoing recovery.

Ozone depletion began to bring air currents in the Southern Hemisphere further south in the 1980s. This caused a change in ocean currents and rainfall patterns.

Global News reported that the new changes suggest that a ban on producing ozone-depleting substances, called the 1987 Montreal Protocol, is now having a positive effect on the world.


On Wednesday, a research paper released in Science Daily showed that the ozone layer has started recovery due to changing wind patterns.

Antara Banerjee and her colleagues at the University of Colorado Boulder did the research and noted that the ozone layer in the Northern Hemisphere is on track to fully recover to its 1980s levels sometime in the 2030s.

They added that in the Southern Hemisphere should return to that state by the 2050s. The Antarctic hole is expected to take longer and is estimated to recover by the 2060s.

The recovery is not in direct correlation to the coronavirus outbreak, though positive changes in the environment are beginning to be seen as emissions are decreased around the world.

Economic activity has been drastically limited amid the rapid spread of coronavirus resulting in less CO2 emissions, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Severe Weather Europe conducted a study showing that the Northern Hemisphere’s colder months usually bring an increase in CO2 emissions though that hasn’t been the case this year.

Read rest at The Post Millenial


2 articles gives us a hint of why the article above is FAKE NEWS and Junk Science:

New paper connects upper stratospheric ozone changes to the solar cycle

The Ozone Scare Was A Dry Run For The Global Warming Scare



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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!