Several migrants accused in beating of New York City police officers arrested in Phoenix

Published February 5, 2024

The identities of the suspects arrested have not yet been released.


Several of the illegal immigrants suspected of beating New York City police officers were arrested in Phoenix, Arizona, Fox News confirmed Monday night.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement sources told Fox News that the migrants allegedly involved in the mob beating of NYPD officers were arrested Monday evening by ICE and Homeland Security Investigations at a Greyhound bus station in Phoenix.

The identities of the suspects arrested have not been released. There are also no further details on which migrants seen beating the officers were arrested on Monday.


Four migrants involved in the mob beating in New York were believed to be headed to California after the incident.

Darwin Andres Gomez, 19; Kelvin Servita Arocha, 19; Wilson Juarez, 21, and Yorman Reveron, 24, fled for California after being released without bail. Jhoan Boada, 22; Jandry Barros, 21, and Yohenry Brito, 24, were later apprehended.



RELATED: Remember Those Illegal Immigrants Who Were Let Free After Allegedly Assaulting Two NYPD Officers? Well…

Published February 5, 2024

Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Homeland Security Investigations made the arrests at a Greyhouse bus station, a source told Fox News.

John Miller, the NYPD’s former commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism, said last week the individuals involved in the assault were likely heading toward California.

ICE agents are working to determine if the migrants are any of the four men suspected to have hopped on a bus bound for California last Wednesday after they were freed without bail in the Jan. 28 attack near Times Square, according to law enforcement sources.

Investigators believe the four — Darwin Andres Gomez, 19, Kelvin Servita Arocha, 19, Wilson Juarez, 21, and Yorman Reveron, 24 — gave phony names to a church-affiliated nonprofit group that helps migrants get rides out of New York City, sources previously told The Post.

ICE agents were notified that the names of the migrants arrested Monday resembled those of the four men who fled the Big Apple — though it’s unclear if similarities applied to the aliases or their real identities, according to sources. (New York Post)



RELATED: Cop-beating migrants released without bail: Letters to the Editor — Feb. 5, 2024

Published February 5, 2024

The Issue: A group of migrants who were released without bail after assaulting two police officers.

Cops are assaulted and the migrant perpetrators are released — only for them to flip the bird at every taxpaying citizen who is covering the bill for their housing, food, sneakers and cell phones (“Free as a double bird,” Feb. 1).


Incompetent, politically motivated district attorneys and judges enable the release of criminals who feed on society with no accountability.

We must pass laws to hold criminals liable for their actions, like enacting a two-year sentence with no plea for assaulting law enforcement.

The majority of New Yorkers wish the border was controlled and the people crossing were vetted. Murderers and traffickers shouldn’t be welcomed like the other hard-working people looking for a better life for themselves and their families.




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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!