The Science of Dryness & California Droughts & Fire

Image: Legalized climate grifting

Related: Politico: UN ‘Shitshow’: ‘Scientists & green campaigners…upset’ that IPCC climate ‘science’ report delayed – ‘Missed the opportunity to add impetus’ to Nov 2022 Egypt summit

Video below by Jim Steele

A luke-warmer that doesn’t understand science!

From his transcript: Increasing CO2 undeniably re-directs more energy back to the earth’s surface increasing the earth’s potential warming.

No, more CO2 do not redirect more heat (energy) back to the earth’s surface, that is a violation of well known physics as, 1.) Heat ascends, more heat there is – faster it ascends, 2.) The lower part of the atmosphere is too dense for radiation to radiate freely and, 3.) At an altitude where radiation actually is able to radiate more freely, above at least 1000 meters, the temperature has already droppet by at least by 6,5 C., finally 4.) Any energy radiating back, if it were possible would not be able to warm a surface that is at least 6,5 C. warmer.

From his transcript: Physicists have reliably determined that CO2 is increasing the earth’s warming potential by about 2.5 watts per meter squared. That science is indeed settled.

There’s no settle science about CO2 causing 2,5 or 3W/m2 extra warming, what a silly claim!
Such evidence do not exist due to the fact that CO2 do not cause warming in any form or shape, the density of the atmosphere’s lower part makes sure of that.

Above the dense layer, where IR can radiate more freely, the dense part of the atmosphere below will act as a floor the radiation is unable to penetrate, more CO2 will only make that floor more solid and even harder to pentrate, i.e. no warming.

From his transcript: Here is the suggested mechanism. First, rising CO2 adds about 2.5 watts of energy and potentially raises air temperatures. The air holds more moisture as temperatures rise. Increasing water vapor is a greenhouse gas that amplifies that temperature increase by 1.7 times.

No, CO2 do not add energy! Where is CO2 supposed to get that energy from??

Air can hold more moisture as the temperature rises, true – for that to happen water need to evaporate, but – if there’s more water vapor that doesn’t mean there’s more production of energy. In fact water vapor doesn’t produce any energy at all, never has and never will, at best it can only store energy and help delay cooling. The claim that water vapor amplifies that temperature increase by 1.7 times is 100% BOGUS (FAKE!!)

Water is not a “Greenhouse Gas” either, right term has always been “Latent Heat”

From his transcript: But because water vapor is the most powerful greenhouse gas, absorbing 3 to 4 times more heat than CO2, water vapor increases greenhouse heating.

Nonsensical nonsense, ref. my explanation above.

There were more I could have commented on, but it doesn’t relate to the topic.

R. J. L.

Video: Jim Steele


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Why do CO2 lag behind temperature?

71% of the earth is covered by ocean, water is a 1000 times denser than air and the mass of the oceans are 360 times that of the atmosphere, small temperature changes in the oceans doesn’t only modulate air temperature, but it also affect the CO2 level according to Henry’s Law.

The reason it is called “Law” is because it has been “proven”!

“.. scientific laws describe phenomena that the scientific community has found to be provably true ..”

That means, the graph proves CO2 do not control temperature, that again proves (Man Made) Global Warming, now called “Climate Change” due to lack of … Warming is – again – debunked!