Game Over For The Climate

June 26, 2024 Larsen 0

Image: It’s Been 6 Years Since Greta Thunberg Warned We Have 5 Years to Stop the Extinction of Humanity Related: When Climate Alarmism Enters The Courtroom And Climate Facts […]

Scientists Are Alarmed

September 19, 2023 Larsen 0

Image: Report: High Energy Prices Likely Killed More Europeans Than COVID; CME Impact; + Rumble Related: New Study: The Rising-CO2-Causes-Warming Perception Not Supported By Real-World Observation Today, September 19th. There’s […]

Hottest Ever Except Not

August 19, 2023 Larsen 0

Image: Climate Lawfare Related: Hawaii Utility Pursued Green Energy Goals While Fire Mitigation Projects Were Delayed Video: CDN Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate […]

Climate Fakery Part 17

July 28, 2023 Larsen 0

Image: Scientists On The Upcoming Grand Solar Minimum Related: Heavy Snow Pounds Mt Hutt, New Zealand; Argentina Shivers; + It’s Snowing Across Europe’s Higher Elevations Antarctica Plunges To -83.2C […]

Climate Fakery Part 6

July 6, 2023 Larsen 0

Image: UK’s Warm June Has A Natural Explanation — Leaps To ‘Catastrophism’ Are Baseless Related: Scientists: Cosmic Ray-Cloud Connection Explains Million-Year Climate Changes Far Better Than CO2 Coldest Fourth […]

Great Lakes Expert Forecasts

January 5, 2023 Larsen 0

Image: Frigid Decembers For North America, Australia, Parts Of Europe, And Asia; Cold 2022 For The South Pole; Historic Snowfall In SD And MN; Twin Cities’ Snowiest Start To […]

Important Climate Anniversaries

December 4, 2022 Larsen 0

Image: Biden prepares to kill Alaska mine which provides critical minerals for clean energy transition Related: MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen rejects ‘climate change’ as ‘a quasi-religious movement […]

Altering Data To Match The Model

November 15, 2022 Larsen 0

Image: NASA Inadvertently Confirms – There’s No (Man Made) Global Warming – Lately Called “Climate Change”! Related: Century-Old Low Temperature Records Continue To Tumble Across Canada; Snowfall Benchmarks Busted […]

Blind Belief In Authority

November 2, 2022 Larsen 0

Image: “The next 30 years will be Cold,” Says Climate Scientist Dr Willie Soon Related: Remember end of beaches? Never mind!: Scientists Predict East Coast Beaches Will Be Gone […]

The End Of Snow

August 6, 2022 Larsen 0

Image: [A few of the] Scientists who warn of a coming Grand Solar Minimum and Little Ice Age Related: Rationing is Back – and Britain’s Authoritarian Greens are Delighted […]

Climate Attribution

June 28, 2022 Larsen 0

Image: Biden’s electric caravan to Green utopia runs out of gas Related: Stupid is back: Greta Thunberg predicts climate apocalypse Snow Plows Won’t Have Passes At Glacier National Park […]

Free Energy

June 28, 2022 Larsen 0

Image: Fierce Cold Sweeps Antarctica, Drives The Continent -4.4C Below 1979-2000 Average; Persistent Chills Reduce Central Washington Cherry Harvest; + Slumberous Sun Related: Politicians, Technocrats, Scientists All Signed Up […]

Scientists Are Mystified

November 20, 2021 Larsen 0

Image: 4.4 Million Americans Quit Their Jobs in September Amid Vaccine Coercion, Pandemic Stress Related: 17-Year-Old Girl Dies Of Cardiac Arrest Weeks After Receiving Pfizer Covid Vaccine HERE WE […]

Definitely Not a Cult

May 21, 2021 Larsen 0

Image: No Mandatory COVID Vax Petition Hits One Million Signatures Related: Scientists Discover Anti-Maskers Are Very Good At Science! Video: Paul Joseph Watson Euro Database Shows 405250 Covid Vaccine […]

Scientists Vs. Skeptics

March 13, 2021 Larsen 0

Image: Michael Mann: ‘Climate Has No Internal Variability’ Related: Kerry claims U.S. must make up for ‘inexcusable absence’ on global warming Why is it that so many leftists must […]

Why You Shouldn’t Trust Scientists

July 24, 2020 Larsen 0

Image: How The Fake Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Was Created Related: Study In Top British Medical Journal Trashes Cloth Mask Use! Tucker: Coronavirus response is being driven by politics Video: Fox […]

Scientists Demand Poverty

June 21, 2020 Larsen 0

Image: Fauci: Americans “Don’t Believe Science” (I wonder why!?) Related: America leads the world in pollution reduction Video: Tony Heller Scientists say that affluence is bad for the environment. […]

Delingpod 49: Dr. Will Happer

December 14, 2019 Larsen 0

Image: What Do Scientists Think About ‘Real Science’ Claims Against Climate Change? Related: Exposing The Promoters Of Climate Anxiety Podcast: The James Delingpole Channel  Top physicist, expert on high-energy […]

CO2 at the Yale Bowl

March 29, 2019 Larsen 0

By Collister Johnson, Jr. – CFACT Before retiring in 2012, I was Administrator (CEO) of the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (SLSDC), a Presidential appointment with Senate confirmation. The […]